Retail Marketing Management and Customer Relations

Professional training for owners, managers and staff of retail businesses, to ensure success in the modern and fast-moving world of retail commerce, in which customers’ demands and expectations are constantly changing and evolving.

This Program explains about the wide range of activities which must be planned and undertaken by retailers to promote awareness and increase sales of the products in which the business deals, and to satisfy its customers. The Program explains the differences between retail marketing and other types of marketing due to the special components of the retail trade, such as selling finished goods in small quantities to consumers or end users, traditionally from a fixed location; it teaches about retail marketing and how to make use of the common principles of the marketing mix such as product, price, place and promotion; and it includes insightful tuition on store location, layout, design, effective merchandising strategies, consumer psychology and behaviour, product purchases, communications, branding and advertising. It also covers modern e-commerce and e-tailing, and the importance of good, effective customer relations, and uniquely it covers the recruitment, training and supervision of sales personnel to ensure constant customer satisfaction, and to maintain excellent
relations with - and ongoing sales to - both existing and potential customers.

Course Outline

  • Module 1 - Evolution of Modern Retailing
  • Module 2 - Retail Management & Personnel
  • Module 3 - Consumer Behaviour & Psychology
  • Module 4 - Retail Sales Premises
  • Module 5 - Operating & Managing a Retail Business; Retail Store Layout & Fittings
  • Module 6 - Retail Marketing Strategy, Product & Brand Management
  • Module 7 - Financial Matters, Pricing Strategies
  • Module 8 - Retail Buying and Merchandising
  • Module 9 - HR Management in the Retail Sector
  • Module 10 - Customer Service and Consumer Relations
  • Module 11 - Retail Marketing Communication
  • Module 12 - E-commerce and E-tailing

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+254 (20) 2659865
Westcom Point,2nd Floor
Mahiga Mairu Avenue,
Westlands, Nairobi.

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri
8:00 am to 17:00 pm
9:00 am to 16:00 pm

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