Training Course development

Training Course development

We follow very stringent processes of course development to ensure that our courses are credible and internationally recognized. The processes are in line with the requirements set forth by the International Standards. We provide training materials which have been thoroughly reviewed for quality and compliance with International Standards. The Course content is regularly reviewed by both internal and external Board of Reviewers.

For the open trainings, the training needs are identified out of a deep research done by our Consultants as well as feedback received from our trainers, participants and other stakeholders. We seek to find out what training needs exist in selected industries and what training interventions are required to fill the gap. We seek to identify accurately the levels of the present situation in the target surveys, interviews, observations, secondary data and/or workshops. The gap between the present status and desired status may indicate problems that in turn can be translated into a training need.

For in house trainings, we collect information about an expressed or implied organizational need that could be met by conducting training. The need can be a performance that does not meet the current standard. It means that there is a prescribed or best way of doing a task and that variance from it is creating a problem.

The TNA process helps the trainer and the person requesting training to specify the training need or performance deficiency. Assessments can be formal (using survey and interview techniques) or informal (asking some questions of those involved). We then design a customized training program to meet that identified needs.

© 2020

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We seek to be the benchmark for the provision of professional training and consulting solutions in East Africa.

Tel +254 784777661
+254 (20) 2659865
Westcom Point,2nd Floor
Mahiga Mairu Avenue,
Westlands, Nairobi.

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri
8:00 am to 17:00 pm
9:00 am to 16:00 pm

CEO's Words


We provide integrated and highly customized solutions to meet your needs at every stage of your organization’s development.We are not ordinary. We are always extraordinary!