Open Training Programs

Open Training Programs

The open Training programs involve inviting selected line of professionals from various industries to a training offered at premium conferencing venues across the world. Public scheduled training allows your employees to mix with and talk to Colleagues from other Companies and backgrounds hence useful for networking and comparing notes.

An external trainer on a public scheduled course who has little ties with your Company may be able to give a fresh perspective to an issue as they haven’t got the bias that extra information can give you. They will likely do things and suggest things that are completely different to what you are used to in your company that can help broaden your understanding of a subject. This can then be transferred back into the Company.

© 2020

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We seek to be the benchmark for the provision of professional training and consulting solutions in East Africa.

Tel +254 784777661
+254 (20) 2659865
Westcom Point,2nd Floor
Mahiga Mairu Avenue,
Westlands, Nairobi.

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri
8:00 am to 17:00 pm
9:00 am to 16:00 pm

CEO's Words


We provide integrated and highly customized solutions to meet your needs at every stage of your organization’s development.We are not ordinary. We are always extraordinary!