Inhouse Training

In house Training Programs

Our in-house training is delivered as a dedicated course for a particular Company and isn’t open to the public or anyone from other organizations. Since the course is dedicated to one team or organization, it is targeted to the Organization’s specific learning needs.

Inhouse Trainings help in addressing the business needs and learning objectives of our Clients. Real case examples can be discussed more conveniently without concern for sensitive information or Organisational reputation. Having the whole team together at the same training can help get everyone on the same page with a consistent language and an agreed approach.

© 2020

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We seek to be the benchmark for the provision of professional training and consulting solutions in East Africa.

Tel +254 784777661
+254 (20) 2659865
Westcom Point,2nd Floor
Mahiga Mairu Avenue,
Westlands, Nairobi.

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri
8:00 am to 17:00 pm
9:00 am to 16:00 pm

CEO's Words


We provide integrated and highly customized solutions to meet your needs at every stage of your organization’s development.We are not ordinary. We are always extraordinary!