Organisational Understanding & Development

A Program to understand the processes, nature, motivation and behaviour of individuals and groups so they can be better managed to work effectively and to improve organisational performance.

It is important for managers to understand the people-organisation relationship and the associated social systems, and to understand how best to implement and wield appropriate power and control. Awareness and management of the organisational culture and climate, and an understanding of the factors affecting employee’s commitment lead to both managerial and organisational development and effectiveness, and reflect positively on the organisation’s attitude and ability to deal with change.

Through an understanding of the processes and relationships in work organisations, of management, and the behaviour of people at work, managers should be able to make the best use of people as valuable resources to the mutual benefit of all organisational stakeholders.

Course Outline Summary

  • Modue 1 - Individual Differences
  • Module 2 - The Nature of Learning
  • Module 3 - The Process of Perception
  • Module 4 - Motivation
  • Module 5 - Work Groups and Teams
  • Module 6 - Group Processes and Behaviour
  • Module 7 - Organizational Control and Management Power
  • Module 8 - Development in Organisations
  • Module 9 - Conflict Management
  • Module 10 - Management Development
  • Module 11 - Organisational Improvement and Effectiveness

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Mahiga Mairu Avenue,
Westlands, Nairobi.

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri
8:00 am to 17:00 pm
9:00 am to 16:00 pm

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