Organisational Design and Behaviour

A managerial approach to organisational design and behaviour concerned with organizational structure and operation, the process of management and the behaviour of people at work.

The Program uses objective analysis of organisations to search for the most appropriate ways of improving organisational performance and effectiveness. It considers the need to establish a framework of order and system of command by which the work of the organisation is undertaken, and outlines the attention needing to be given to key principles and the consideration of structure.

This Program covers of a range of areas related to management, organizational behaviour, organisational setting and organisation structures, including the essential nature of managerial work, the context in which the activity of management takes place, the manner in which responsibilities for and duties of management are exercised, the process of management and execution of work. It considers the need for organizational effectiveness and the importance of the role of management as an integrating activity.

Course Contents

  • The Context of Management and Organizational Behaviour
  • The Nature of Organisational Behaviour
  • Approaches to Organisation and Management
  • The Nature of Organisations
  • Organisational Goals
  • Organisational Strategy and Responsibilities
  • Organisation Structure and Design
  • Patterns of Structure and Work Organisation
  • Technology and Organisations

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