Operations Management

This Program gives a thorough insight into Operations Management, the key areas of the subject, and a comprehensive understanding of the key issues and techniques of operations management, and provides the ability to put that knowledge into practice. This exciting and important subject is at the centre of many of the changes affecting the world of business, and is concerned with creating all the products and services upon which we depend. It is a challenging and rewarding subject because operations solutions need to work effectively both locally and globally, and show responsibility to society and the environment. It is relevant to every business because every service and product is the result of an operation or process.

Major Topics Covered in this Program include:

  • The input-transformation-output process, process hierarchy, operations strategy, objectives, benefits.
  • Market requirements, operations resources. Social, environmental and economic performance.
  • Service and product design, product and process design, effects of volume and variety. Design details.
  • The location of operations, types of layout, positioning, operations flow. Supply network management.
  • Capacity management, measuring demand and capacity, demand fluctuations and queueing theory.
  • Inventory management, control, volumes. Planning and control. Enterprise resource planning (ERP).
  • Lean synchronization. Increasing efficiency and reducing waste. Relevance to supply networks.
  • Quality management, Achieving conformance and specification. TQM. Operations improvement.

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