Introduction: This Program provides foremen, supervisors and managers with a thorough, practical introduction to the techniques and skills needed to effectively manage subordinates, as individuals and in groups, so they work well and willingly as a team to achieve their organizational objectives. The Program presents easy to understand and easy to put into practice training for men and women seeking successful careers in supervision, and who may be aiming for promotion to higher supervisory and managerial posts; it also provides skills and knowledge for progress to higher studies. It is a foundation for the other Management Diploma Programs.
Course Outline Summary
- Module 1 - The Human Resource
- Module 2 - Planning and Organizing Work
- Module 3 - Supervision and Control of Workgroups
- Module 4 - Responsibilities of Management
- Module 5 - Delegation of Responsibility
- Module 6 - How Businesses are Organised
- Module 7 – Communication
- Module 8 - Recruitment and Selection
- Module 9 - Induction, Training & Employee Development
- Module 10 - Employee Counselling, Equal Opportunities, Employees’ Representatives
- Module 11 - Job Grading, Promotion, Job Redesign
- Module 12 - Departing Employees