Mastery of Management International Marketing

A Program to help marketers and managers understand how to achieve global competitiveness through the design and implementation of internationally market-responsive programmes.

The study and practice of global marketing management has developed from a traditional ‘export trade’ focus towards a more strategic and global approach. This Program considers large multinational enterprises which use the advantages of
economies of scale to introduce world-standardised products, and the less costly and less bureaucratic small and middle-sized companies which are quicker to adapt in expanding and international market. The Program gives a decision-oriented and action oriented approach to global marketing.

This Program takes the perspective of companies competing in international markets, and provides a framework for the development and implementation of international marketing programmes, to help in the analysis, selection and evaluation of appropriate approaches to the main management decisions of the international marketing process.

Course Outline Summary

  • Module 1 - Global Marketing in the Firm
  • Module 2 - Inititation of Internationalisation
  • Module 3 - Political and Economic Environment
  • Module 4 - Socio-cultural Environment
  • Module 5 - Market Selection and Market Entry Alternatives - Exporting
  • Module 6 - Production Abroad and Strategic Alliances
  • Module 7 - Global Competition and Strategy
  • Module 8 - Global Logistics and Channel Decisions
  • Module 9 - Organization and Control of the Global Marketing Programme

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