Bookkeeping and Accounts

Designed to produce bookkeeping and accounts personnel trained in the MODERN PRACTICAL METHODS OF ACCOUNTING

Trained and competent bookkeeping and accounting personnel are always in demand. This Program is ideal for those who have a knowledge of bookkeeping (e.g. from our Proficient Business Bookkeeping Course) or practical experience. This Diploma Program offers tremendous advantages to those already employed in clerical positions in accounting or auditing departments, offices and firms, and who are ambitious for promotion to better paid posts.

The Program is also of great value to business people who need to maintain accurate books of account, and who need to be able to prepare informative accounting statements, either manually or by computer.

Course Outline

  • Module 1 - The Ledger - the Main Book of Account
  • Module 2 - The Cash Book
  • Module 3 - The Subsidiary Books
  • Module 4 - From Opening Entries to Trial Balance
  • Module 5 - Preparing for the Final Accounts
  • Module 6 - Manufacturing and Trading Accounts
  • Module 7 - Profit & Loss Accounts
  • Module 8 - Balance Sheets
  • Module 9 - Accounting for Goodwill and Discounts
  • Module 10. Accounting for Credit
  • Module 11 - Basic Cost Accounting, Departmental and Branch Accounts
  • Module 12 - Computers in Bookkeeping and Accounting

 Download Full Course Outline

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Mahiga Mairu Avenue,
Westlands, Nairobi.

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8:00 am to 17:00 pm
9:00 am to 16:00 pm

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